The ‘FRONTIERE de VIE’ / Boundary of Life project
For over 20 years the Kichwa people of Sarayaku in Ecuadorian Amazonia
has been struggling to defend their territory, biodiversity and
immaterial heritage against the intrusion of oil companies.
In front of a predicament in which their very survival is at stake,
opponents who are unwilling to buckle, lthe growth of the global
population, the announced end of fossile energy resources, and Ecuador’s
external debt... Sarayaku decided to carry out an international
project inspired by the vision of elders. It will be implemented
by mature men and women and transmitted to the younger generations.
It consists of planting large circles of flower bearing trees all
around the territory, i.e. along more than 300 km. With time those
circles will be visible from the sky and will thus indicate human
presence in the forest, and also the determination of indigenous
peoples to preserve their territories and protect their forest.
It is a symbol of Peace offered to mankind, and Sarayaku hopes that
many, from all over the world, will be eager to join.
The project has started. 5,000 seedlings are ready in nurseries
and the first expedition planted a first circle some 30 km from
the village of Sarayaku in November 2006. Five other circles were
planted in 2007. The next plantations should follow at a quick pace.
We will keep you informed of how things are going in the current
events page of this website and through a newsletter. Just subscribe.
This boundary, which the Kichwas call intheir language Great living
way of flowers (Sisa Nambi), will also protect the Sarayaku community
and several projects aiming at maintaining and retrieving their

Among these we find:
Sasi Wasi is the privildeged place for local medicine and traditional
knowledge. The knowledge of Yachaks is collected and implemented
here. Sasi Wasi will consist of two locations, one for healing within
the village and one for sharing traditional knowledge on a hill
outside the village.
The foundation ‘France-Liberté’ (France) finances
the first stage. We are looking for sponsors for the other stages.
Sacha Runa will be a botanical garden of some 10 hectares with most
plants used for traditional medicine and for food, cosmetics, construction,
etc. You will walk through it on your way to SASI WASI, the centre
of knowledge. One hectare has already been planted.
Pre-school and primary school where classes are taught in both Kichwa
and Spanish.
Teaching includes traditional lore: fairy tales, cosmovision, knowledge,
A link will be created with the botanical garden and the centre
for traditional knowledge.
TAYAK WASI has been working for several years.
Other projects are in the offing, such as video archives of ancestral
knowledge. Sarayaku already has a film director and hopes to promote
its works. A first video film SOY DEFENSOR DE LA SELVA will soon
be available as a DVD.
Everybody can relate to these project by becoming the patron of
a tree.
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